Արմէնին Աղոթքները
Արմէն Աղոթք I - XXV
Արմէն Լեւոն Արտաշեսեան
Armen Leo Artashesian
Come and let us pray, "For when two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am among them," says Jesus Christ. Come, and let us ascend the ladder of our God and King with angelic prayer and the intercession of our Holy Mother.
Jesus Christ protect the world and protect us
Grant her
The intercession of seraphim until the end of her life
1,000 angels, 200 for sanctity, 400 as defense, 400 to attack
Heavenly Invincibility
Golden Armor of Christ
Jesus Christ beside her to scare her enemies away, hold her in his arms forever
St. Mary to watch over the prayers, the seraphim, and the angels
Lord Jesus Christ may thy will be done in all creation
Jesus Christ, the light of my being, illuminate the world and illuminate my words so that through them the brilliance of your name may shine forth
God our Father help me
Jesus Christ pray to the Father that he would fight against those who fight against me.
Have mercy on me, intercede for me, and pray for me to Jesus Christ our God
Holy Mary Mother of God
St. Joseph Chaste Guardian of the Virgin
St. Gabriel Holy Archangel
St. Michael Holy Archangel Commander of the Armies of Heaven
St. Gregory the Illuminator
St. Nersess Shnorhali
St. Leon
St. Bartholomew
St. Thaddeus
St. Moses
St. Abraham
St. Isaac
St. Jacob
St. Joseph
St. David
St. John
St. Paul
St. John the Baptist
St. Peter
St. James son of Zebedee
St. Andrew
St. Philip
St. Matthew
St. Thomas
St. James the son of Alpheus
St. Simon the Zealot
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mesrop Mashtots
St. Hripsime
St. Gayaneh
St. Vartan
St. Nersess
St. Gregory of Narek
St. Gregory of Sinai
St. Gregory of Palamas
St. Anthony the Great
St. Macarius
St. Ephrem
St. Athanasius
St. Justin the Martyr
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Polycarp
St. John Chrysostom
St. Gregory Nazianzus
St. Basil the Great
St. Jerome
St. Charbel
St. Isaac the Syrian
St. John Climacus
St. Seraphim of Sarov
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Benedict
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. John Paul II
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Alphonsus Ligouri
St. John of the Cross
St. Catherine of Sienna
St. Nektarios
St. Hesychios the Priest
St. Symeon the New Theologian
St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain
St. Silouan the Athonite
St. Porphyrios
St. Joseph the Hesychast
May what you want happen
May your will be done everywhere I am and in every situation I am in and in every place I go. May thy will be done everywhere on earth and in all creation. I love you. Love us.
Immortal King, Lord Jesus Christ, remove completely all wrongful things from my body, unify my body as one, and heal my body to the point of complete functionality, of every organ, from head to toe, inside and outside, make me beautiful, strong, holy, mighty, and immortal for battle. Amen
New Jesus Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, true God, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Heaven and earth, have mercy on us.
Gospel of John 1:49
Help me enter heaven and permanently remain there.
Give me love so that I may love you.
By the infinite love of your being and the infinite mercy of your crucifixion, forgive and heal me of all sins and wounds. Show me my wounds and show me my sins so I may confess and open my heart to the light of your face unto the entrance of my soul, body, and spirit, and mind into heaven.
Jesus Christ, lover of angels, lover of humanity, help us reach the rank of angels and be of help to them as they are to us!
Father of lights, strengthen and illuminate your angels make them as undying as Christ and their armor as strong as the might of the Godhead. I love you Lord, help your angels!
Make my body what it should be and do what it is able to do, make me invincible, untamperable, and unchanging.
Prayer of a Creator
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Creator of creation, Father of light, Holy Spirit in every place, give me honor for all I have done and all victories, and look at my authorship, my God, so that all I have created may be signed with my name in righteousness. And show the world what I have done and my works, the graces, strengths, and gifts both spiritual and bodily given by God, the creations spoken and written and used in every way.
Father our God, infinite in nature and in all ways, unchanging in eternal Almighty being and essence, by your infinite wrath, defeat my enemies through and through. By your fury and by the fury of angels, the wrath of heaven, the anger of the saints, defend all those I love and care for! Love, defend, and fight against evil I cannot see with the fury that proceeds from your inner being towards evil as it also proceeds from your care for those I love, for me, and for all good in creation. Amen!
Lord Jesus Christ, in the battles of this life, may my shield be commensurate to the faith in my chest and my sword as sharp as the words you have spoken.
Father our God, Lord Jesus Christ Almighty and equal in power, Holy Spirit everywhere present, save me and come between me and all evils. I summon you as I call upon you to fight for me today and always. Amen
Grant, Lord Jesus Christ, the knowledge that you live in my heart, that I will live forever, that I have eternal life, so I may have the peace of understanding and knowing your limitless love. You are the true God and eternal life, I believe in you and all you have said, and I give my life to you in sacrifice.
Make my children as numerous as the stars.
Lord Jesus Christ, make all things work together for good in my life always, redeem all things, and love me, forgive me my sins. Perfect me, and give me a perfect life, and have mercy on me in all ways. You are my righteousness, wisdom, holiness, and redemption. Give me yourself and give me peace.Bless me in everything and in all ways that I may walk facing the light of your face without blemish or shame under your holy gaze of infinite love and perfection always and forever.