Charbo was proud and had been holding up the cross of Christ the whole time and had hidden one of the children in his clothes. He loved him and sheltered him under his holy cloak and the guard of the cross which resisted ten and with his holy name.

“You did well, Armen, this is a battle I shall remember. There is now opportunity for more praise and celebration and prayers of thanksgiving. Our many prayers for battle have been answered. Let us gather our arms and lead the children back to a safe home to rest.”

Neryas appeared from behind the old tree with the remainder of the children. They had climbed several trees together and stayed atop watching the battle and the valor of the men, the knights of the battalion. 

“Armen, you are victorious,” he said with an ever widening smile upon his face. “This is a night to remember for it is long since we have won so decisively. Charbo and I have been praying your prayers on your behalf during your hours of long training with the others.”

“I honor your holy restraint, Neryas, I know you could defeat these enemies within strides and with a small number of quickened strikes, your sharpened skills, in a shortened time. You have wielded sword as strongest knight, and prayer like Christ our King.”

“Your honor misplaced, I have nothing to ask but your forgiveness. One of the boys is bruised upon falling from a height.”

“The castle is ahead, uninhabited I imagine, an old fort of my father, my favorite from a very young age. It has my shield buried at its base. We will find what we need in the forest. Gather your bearings.

“Yeriv!” I said, “Find the herbs we need to heal this boy, we have little time to stop before approaching the Fort Vahanagir.”

Hosep appeared from behind. As Yeriv gathered herbs, he was hunting for more food. Vahanagir was the last fort to fall in my father’s kingdom before he died. It was he who told me I was kidnapped, and taken to another family. I have no memories from that time. 

He turned to me as I was walking looking straight ahead without regard for anyone else, “You were killed that day, Armen, and raised from the dead by God himself.”

“You’ve said before that this happened.”

“It is why your father yet had no concern for your life, and waited for the best time. With you having been kidnapped, he feared risking your life once more. He sent me and St. Michael our Holy Archangel, Commander of the Armies of Heaven to protect you until then,” responded Hosep. “He is coming, just wait for his timing, your father sent him and me for a reason, and that reason is more than his life. You were his diadem, born in radiant light, the glory of his crown.”

“My father is gone, Hosep.”

“As your father is with you, so he is. Your father was close to him and served God through his intercession for the entirety of his life. We were sent for a purpose. He is with you now. Act in strength and within his will, God’s will. He’s shaped you to be like himself,” said Hosep as I crossed myself eight times. 

“You honor him well,” he said as he offered his heart to Jesus looking up with his hand upon his chest. 

“It’s important to eat, Armen. Here is some of the meat I hunted down,” continued Hosep. “Let us sit, and cook for the boys and others. We’ve been waiting for Yeriv for over four hours.”

“Where is he?” I said, “I thought you were with him. Find him now, we are in danger of another assault.”