As we walked through the gates and through the great halls of Vahanagir, Ghevont assured me again, “Mother is safe.”
“As for your half sister,” he said, “in time you will see how she has been affected by your absence.”
“Through trials and wars she has ascended and fallen in search for you. She needs your love,” said Isahac.
As we entered the chapel, Ghevont, our Catholicos, the one from my birth, spoke with his golden staff as he place it mightily upon the ground with a noise so loud on silver stone that echoed with brilliance before the altar and through the chapel doors and throughout the surrounding land.
As he closed his sermon, he continued to console me concerning my half sister, “She is in the southern Isles of Yetemia in the depths of her heart, Armen” said Ghevont, “searching in prayer for her soul as she keeps saying. Her love for Christ and humility are beyond mine and your brethren, who ask, seek, and find gifts of this world for the kingdom, while she seeks what is beyond and what is within her heart and soul, the treasure of treasures, the pearl beyond price.”
"I have spoken to her at length and have been her source of guidance through these times. I have fasted for her for months and her name in our land has regained its former glory," said Ghevont.