03 Dec

Obey your conscience or Jesus Christ? There is no dichotomy; however, your conscience is not above him. Obey Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and his commands in the Bible.

Conscience is higher than almost all guides for moral thinking.
Jesus Christ is higher than this, all that was, is, and shall be forever and ever. 

It is written in the Gospel of St. John, and Jesus himself says, “If any man's will is to do his will, he shall know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority.”

If I obey my conscience to the point of willing God’s will, I will know whether Jesus teaching is from God or not from God because obeying my conscience will inevitable get to willing God’s will. Will God’s will in your heart and you will be offering your heart to Jesus Christ.

Will God’s will.

Armen Leo Artashesian