27 Dec

This is our seal, 

The seal of the Holy Spirit, 

Bear it upon your breast,

Write it as a sign upon your heart, 

The crucifixion is your guard,

His resurrection your glory,

His birth the sweetness of all that is,

You are the son of the Almighty, 

You are a conquerer 

In him who loved us,

A knight of Christ,

You are a king,

An heir of Christ

With the promise of an everlasting crown,

You are the love of God, 

It is written, His beloved.

Do not let it fall upon the ground for hell is behind you,

Take it upon you, 

Our holy cross,

And believe in our Lord Jesus Christ,

And His promise of eternal life,

For this seal is harder than stone, 

More durable than the earth,

More everlasting than the heavens,

For it is in God that we find our names,

Through the crucifixion and resurrection of the only begotten Son of God.

Though heaven and earth pass away, 

His words will never pass.

We will rise,


Armen Leo Artashesian