To use spiritually perception with illogical reasoning is a harm to oneself and others. It tends to deviate from truth. In the moment it may be sound, however over time it creates a pattern of thought that is not desirable. It also creates a system that perpetuates without logic. Who wants to wake up and have to use illogic to guide one’s life? You cannot base your life on illogical premises. When you discern spiritually, you may deviate from logic slightly as you are trying to perceive the imperceivable, however to do so constantly would be harm to yourself. For then God will hold you accountable for others using illogical reasoning. You may be accountable to think illogically like this on a normal basis if you make it habitual as you based your life on it and are accountable to help others do so. It is challenging. Simply base your spiritual life on logic and you will be held accountable by and with logic.
Armen Leo Artashesian