21 Oct

One saw an apple the other day. And wondered, is this a pear?

One saw a tree the other day. And wondered, is this a stone?

One saw a prayer the other day that was so holy. And wondered, is this written by satan?

When I see an apple, I say it’s an apple.

When I see a tree, I say it’s a tree.

When I see a holy prayer, I do not say it is written by satan.

Am I a genius? And I wondered, am I a donkey and a fool?

Because apparently, I am doing something too hard for most everyone when I call an apple an apple, a tree a tree, and a holy prayer, a holy prayer I have written, from Christ Jesus our Lord.

Before you Lord, I see myself, and I say I am a donkey and a fool, for you are the Author of Creation and the Immortal Fountain, and if you are the fountain from which my prayers spring, I fail to rely on you in that which you have graced me!