03 Jan

The Beauty of the Light of Heaven

The beauty that shines through our eyes is the beauty that shines through creation. 

Come and see as I see, for when I see the sun shining upon clouds hued of golden light, I see St. Vartan, holy and radiant behind them with sword and shield battling and slaying the demons warring against my prayers. 

Come, let us wage war with him, and fight with the martyrs and saints, whose words like swords pierced the shallow yet intimidating darknesses of this world, caught between love and hatred, truth and lies, faith and pride, ignorance, and immorality. 

Hold up your cross, bear upon your chest the breastplate God gave you at your birth, take the words of our Savior and penetrate the demons in your life and in the lives of your neighbor, your friends, and household. 

When Christ appears, he will not appear with a weapon made of wood or steel or any metal of this earth, but rather with the sword of his words, the sword of victory over sin and death, made of the breath of the Almighty and the wisdom which proceeds from heaven. 

He is the light of heaven, and he shines through your eyes the same way he shines through the saints who witnessed his faith, his virtue, and holiness and intercede as guardians of your soul. 

Armen Leo Artashesian