Հիսուս Քրիստոս քո կամքը թող կատարվի բոլոր արարածոց
Lord Jesus Christ may thy will be done in all creation
Արմէն Աղոթք
Հիսուս Քրիստոս պահպանէ աշխարհը եւ պահպանէ մեզի
Jesus Christ protect the world and protect us
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէն Աղոթք
Ամենեն բարցր լույս վախենալիք եւ փայլուն քաղցր եւ սիրուն Հիսուս Քրիստոս:
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Armen’s Thoughts
Love takes the form of sacrifice on earth, not in heaven.
Love in heaven is God.
Love on earth destroys obstacles or evils that are opposed to heaven.
Love is unity in relationships between persons.
Love is redemption in the face of evil and its memories.
Love does not bring everything to unity, redemption, and eternal life.
Love cannot be said to be the bringing together of God and man, for God punishes the unrighteous and places them in eternal flames.
Love is what drives one to obey, and love is what chooses righteousness over evil in order to bring all creation to how it was originally intended to be.
Without this, heaven would be defiled and there would be no safety from evil for those who love.
Love is what chooses the qualities of heaven over the qualities of hell and evil.
Love is mercy to the sinner who repents.
Love is justice to the sinner who repents because it puts the unrepentant away to hell.
We are given mercy the moment we choose God and reject evil.
God chooses those who choose love.
Love chooses those who choose God.
You do not choose God until God chooses you.
You do not choose God until you choose love.
Love is the unity in the Holy Trinity.
Armen’s Prayer
Grant her
The intercession of seraphim until the end of her life
1,000 angels, 200 for sanctity, 400 as defense, 400 to attack
Heavenly Invincibility
Golden Armor of Christ
Jesus Christ beside her to scare her enemies away, hold her in his arms forever
St. Mary to watch over the prayers, the seraphim, and the angels
Armen’s Thoughts
One saw an apple the other day. And wondered, is this a pear?
One saw a tree the other day. And wondered, is this a stone?
One saw a prayer the other day that was so holy. And wondered, is this written by satan?
When I see an apple, I say it’s an apple.
When I see a tree, I say it’s a tree.
When I see a holy prayer, I do not say it is written by satan.
Am I a genius? And I wondered, am I a donkey and a fool?
Because apparently, I am doing something too hard for most everyone when I call an apple an apple, a tree a tree, and a holy prayer, a holy prayer I have written, from Christ Jesus our Lord.
Before you Lord, I see myself, and I say I am a donkey and a fool, for you are the Author of Creation and the Immortal Fountain, and if you are the fountain from which my prayers spring, I fail to rely on you in that which you have graced me!
I do not want to be remembered by worms, insects, or warthogs, I want to be remembered by the lion, so that when he hunts and kills and eats, he says, “Yes, that man was strong and holy.” So, I do not live my life in light of those, but I befriend the lion and we become legends. Now, let us find our fish to catch as we fly above the mountains and the seas.
A Story by Armen
Արմէն Աղոթք
Աստուած Հայր օգնէ ինծի
God Father help me
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
երբ ընտանիքդ սիրէ քեզի, դուն կըսկաս քու սիրտդ:
Armen’s Thoughts
When your family loves you, you feel your heart.
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Armen’s Thoughts
When your family loves you, you feel your heart.
Saying God loves me or you in every page is actually a kind of guilt and shame. Because I do not have to keep defining the number 1 every time I do 1 + 1. I do not have to define human nature and divine nature every time I think of and say Jesus Christ! Because 1 + 1 = Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son!
I can do math or in other words pray and write without this guilt based culture of repeating to each other the same truth that we should just know by an infallible and unbreakable faith and implicit assumption. God doesn’t repeat it in the Bible every page. He says he is with us, or knows us, or sees us, or judges us. His love is in the center, so let’s not forget his holy nature, because seraphim and cherubim and saints don’t scream God loves me, they praise in shouts of glory and holy voice that God is holy and mighty, holy and immortal, holy, holy, holy.
I love you!
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Armen’s Thoughts
Even in my darkest days, I can pray and love and breathe and smile because God is with me. I do not abuse, destroy, and steal. I love and pray and love and endure! This is one among the blessings of Jesus Christ! Amen!
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Armen’s Thoughts
Աստուած, գաւեա զիս զմեղաւորս, is an original translation of words spoken by Jesus Christ. It is not just a request for mercy, it is asking for his sacrificial love in crucifixion. Like Jesus prayer it may be repeated until you sense his holiness. I have had a sense of St. Mesrop Mashtots, only within 10 minutes of praying this prayer. It is a prayer spoken by Jesus Christ translated with brilliance and divine understanding of crucifixion and salvation. Գաւեա implies crucifixion, not only in meaning but also in the word itself, since գարնուկ or գար is lamb. Ողորմեա implies mercy and kindness, not sacrifice. St. Mesrop knew this and translated this prayer this way intentionally as a holy prophetic prayer of Christ, pointing to his own crucifixion, the crucifixion of the Lamb of God.
Արմէնին խոսքերը
Հաւիտեան յեղիր որ միշտ սիրեմ գէզի:
Be immortal so I may always love you.
Արմենին Հարցերը
Armen’s Questions
Why would God give you an experience beyond your everyday life and then not immediately kill you?
Արմէնին Կատակնէրը Իմաստութեամբ
Armen’s Jokes of Wisdom
I made a new law today, it’s called up is down, down is up. So when you look up, you have to see the earth and if you don’t then there is a fine. And then tomorrow I will put a new law, it’s called down is up, so you’ll have to walk on the sky. And if you don’t, you’ll have to pay a fine of 1,000,000 dollars. Sound good? It’s a law now. You just agreed and consented implicitly, nor did you provide formal nonconsent. Ok? Have a good night. By the time you wake up, you informally or implicitly would have consented to another law because you were insane to have agreed to the first. Up is up, down is down. Now you are insane, and you have no life and will be violated according to my will and the will of all!
Armen will be there for you when you are in trouble against me.
- Dr. Doctor with no PhD or MD, just an abuse form consented by you implicitly last year saying I’m a doctor. Two diagnoses now. I’m not a Doctor! I’m just an abuser! Which means I’m well on in training to become a good one!
By Armen Festekjian
Արարատին Գագաթը
My music on a new platform.
By Armen Festekjian
Սուրբ Հիշատակներ Արմէն
Holy Memories by Armen
When I was a child, I heard in Sunday school that Jesus Christ is everywhere. As I was playing in the basement one day by myself, I felt unsafe and remembered what I heard, that Jesus Christ is everywhere. But how is Jesus everywhere I asked? I imagined in my mind that his body was of infinite in number and that he was everywhere like this. This was my first spiritual experience. From that day on I continued to think about Jesus Christ being in all places. As I matured, my vision and understanding of God and Christ evolved. However, I will always remember when I first thought of Christ’s presence everywhere.
When I was 7 years old, I remember watching Passion of Christ with my grandmother, aunt, and family. And from that day on I wanted to be just like him and die as he did. I understood something about the crucifixion that day that punctured deeply into my heart and soul, the sense of Jesus Christ strengthened and I sensed him with familiarity.
My imitation of Jesus Christ stopped in high school around 10th grade. For two years I questioned religion without becoming a denier of Christianity.
I searched every science, philosophy, spirituality, and religion. I traveled across the earth and explored and discovered that there is great futility in not using one’s mind and thinking.
I began to reason that the absurdity of life is too great without the love of our crucified Christ. Our Creator died, and his crucifixion is love.
One day, I found a picture of myself at the age of 4 with my mother, it was in a box that contained hair from those years. I began to weep as I sought to become innocent as a child. As I looked at myself, I began to weep as if for the first time, knelt in prayer as my tears began to fall on the ground. In these moments, I felt the innocence of my being, the purity of Christ, and the possibility of a return to the innocence of Eden.
It was then that Return was created and composed. In three hours, I composed the greatest piece of music I will ever create and will ever hear. It was a return to me, a return to Christ, and to the innocence of my birth, my childhood, and my human nature.
I baptized myself that day with hands full of water letting it run on my head. I placed my childhood gold cross on my neck and returned and moved forth to live on earth that was like heaven.
Two years later, I began to practice the Jesus Prayer. For the first two minutes I practiced, it was holy. However, it was almost two years later until it felt like that again. I tried and gave up over and over. I resolved for a year to master it and gave hours to master this in praying. I soon realized that I could also use other prayers. I discovered while reading the Book of Hours of our Armenian Apostolic Church that there is a prayer to pray at all times.
Յամենայն ժամու աղաչանք իմ այս են. ի մեղաց իմոց սո՛ւրբ արա զիս, Տէ՛ր, եւյօտարէն պահեա՛ զծառայս Քո, մարդասէ՛ր Տէր:
At all times, my holy cry of longing is this. Cleanse me of my sins, Lord, and from foreign enemies guard your servant, Lover of mankind.
I said once, that constant activity in the heart is sainthood. To repeat prayers, over and over, with meaning, concentration, and above all a holy intention, is the greatest way to sainthood. It is constant occupation and ceaseless remembrance of Christ, our holy sweetness.
Everywhere ceaselessly practice Jesus Prayer, or a ceaseless prayer as all prayers are not ceaseless but some become empty and cease.
St. Nersess 24 Prayers is holy, requiring more focus and the mind’s comprehension. Be reverent towards God and offer prayers in holiness.
Choose Աստուած, քաւեա զիս զմեղաւորս, and other prayers to pray ceaselessly in holiness.
And stay virgin, never defile your body. It takes 1,000 hours or a life of suffering to make holy an impure body and mind, but 10 min to make holy a virgin man and woman.
Become a king, knight, or saint. The first is the hardest, the last one the easiest, the middle one the most important of all, making the first impossible and the last martyrdom. Choose one, or each one, and become a true believer. Rule in life and bring the kingdom of God on earth. Fight until your last breath for the will of God to be done in your life and on earth, and to protect and to love and to be one with Christ, our Chosen one, and with the one chosen for you before your own birth.
Արմէնին Վարդապետութիւնը
By Armen Festekjian
Արմէն Աղոթք
Հիսուս Քրիստոս աղօթէ Աստուած հայրին որ պայքարի ինծի համար անոնց որինծի դեմ են
Armen Prayer
Jesus Christ pray to the Father that he would fight against those who fight against me
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Հաւատամք եւ ի մի միայն Ընդհանրական եւ Առաքելական Սուրբ Եկեղեցի։
The Armenian Apostolic Church is the light of the world and the bearer of mysteries and treasures, and the beauty of holiness. We have the light of Christ, and have not even begun to enter the depths and treasures of this light. Our church is holy.
Vemkar, seems not to believe in the light and the holiness of the Armenian Apostolic Church, being an application that makes protestant what is Armenian in terms of history, contexts, dates, and celebrations. Do they think that Protestantism is so much higher and far more spiritually advanced or cool? It only has the appearance of being so! I promise you. Every blessing Protestants have is from the church established by Christ in the 1st century of which the Armenian Apostolic Church is a member.
The early church even had bishops who were Arians, believing that Jesus Christ was not fully God but a created entity of the Father in his divine nature. St. Athanasius in response to the Arian influence on the church, fought night and day through years of excommunication, persecution, with the help of St. Anthony the Great and scores of his monks, preached the divinity of Christ which led to the writing of the Nicene Creed at the Council of Nicea where St. Gregory our Illuminator was a light like a sun shining upon Armenians and Armenia for ages and ages to come.Now we are turning to protestantism for our light, instead of our own church, our language, and hearts and selves where Christ dwells in holiness and compassion, and divine love.
Հաւատամք ի մի Աստուած, ի Հայրն ամենակալ, յԱրարիչն երկնի եւ երկրի, երեւելեաց եւ աներեւութից:Եւ ի մի Տէր Յիսուս Քրիստոս յՈրդին Աստուծոյ, ծնեալն յԱստուծոյ Հօրէ միածին, այսինքն յէութենէ Հօր:Աստուած յԱստուծոյ, Լոյս ի Լուսոյ, Աստուած ճշմարիտյԱստուծոյ ճշմարտէ, ծնունդ եւ ո՛չ արարած: Նոյն Ինքն ի բնութենէ Հօր, Որովամենայն ինչ եղեւ յերկինս եւ ի վերայ երկրի, երեւելիք եւ աներեւոյթք:Որ յաղագս մեր մարդկան եւ վասն մերոյ փրկութեան իջեալ յերկնից՝ մարմնացաւ, մարդացաւ, ծնաւ կատարելապէս ի Մարիամայ սրբոյ կուսէն Հոգւովն Սրբով: Որովէառ զմարմին, զհոգի եւ զմիտ, եւ զամենայն որ ինչ է ի մարդ, ճշմարտապէս եւ ո՛չկարծեօք:Չարչարեալ, խաչեալ, թաղեալ, յերրորդ աւուր յարուցեալ. ելեալ ի յերկինս նովինմարմնովն՝ նստաւ ընդ աջմէ Հօր: Գալոց է նովին մարմնովն եւ փառօք Հօր ի դատելզկենդանիս եւ զմեռեալս, Որոյ թագաւորութեանն ոչ գոյ վախճան։Հաւատամք եւ ի Սուրբ Հոգին, յանեղն եւ ի կատարեալն, որ խօսեցաւ յօրէնս եւ իմարգարէս եւ յաւետարանս։ Որ էջն ի Յորդանան, քարոզեաց յառաքեալն եւբնակեցաւ ի սուրբսն։Հաւատամք եւ ի մի միայն Ընդհանրական եւ Առաքելական Սուրբ Եկեղեցի։Ի մի մկրտութիւն, յապաշխարութիւն, ի քաւութիւն եւ ի թողութիւն մեղաց:Ւ յարութիւն մեռելոց, ի դատաստանն յաւիտենից հոգւոց եւմարմնոց, յարքայութիւնն երկնից, եւ ի կեանսն յաւիտենականս:
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին Կատակնէրը Իմաստութեամբ
Armen’s Jokes of Wisdom
Translation from Armenian to English:
Պէտք ունինք Աստուածաշունչի ուսումնասիրութեան սնտուկները
We must have Bible study packages
Արմէնին խոսքերը
Armen’s Sayings
It takes one saint to heal the world. It takes one fighter to win in war.
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Thoughts of Armen
Psychology is a mistaken field. If it is the pursuit of truth, there is a field for this: philosophy. If it’s about good feelings, there is a field for this as well - it is hedonism. If it is doing the right thing, you’re in the wrong room. Conscience is not a respected reality in psychology, however, it must be. And if it is, then everything would be transformed; however, why transform a demon, when you can be transformed by Christ?
By Armen
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Thoughts of Armen
Holiness is the one and only absolute morality in Christianity because there are no specific contradictory situations to this rule in Scriptures in the Old and New Testements. To love is most important, however, war is waged in defending one’s promised lands, families, and belongings.
God never contradicts this one rule.
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին Կատակնէրը Իմաստութեամբ
Armen’s Jokes of Wisdom
Translation from the Bible to Humor:
There once was a shepherd who was a utilitarian, not a Christian. He saw the lost sheep and said, “Hmm, I have 99 right here, I don’t think it’s worth it.”
He then crossed a river and noticed that he lost 10 more, however 89 were beside him; and he wondered, “Hmm, I think I’ll be okay.”
He then began to steal to increase his numbers and in the process lost only a couple sheep. “This serves me and my country,” he said.
Finally, he crossed by David, as he prayed to the Good Shepherd, and he lost his head. And David was crowned King of Israel and then a saint.
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին խորհուրդները
Thoughts of Armen
I once saw a Pentecostal filled with the Spirit. However, it was coming from the East and the West, not from above nor from inside.
I concluded that this is a blessing from Lebanon our Great House of Cilicia, and it may be because they were too busy to be filled this day or that another was blessing this person from above.
By Armen Leo Artashesian
Արմէնին Խօսքերը
Հույսը Աղոթել է
The depths of tragic happenings and evil are actually bottomless to the human mind that assumes that everything will work out or that there is a limit to tragic happenings in this life, actually horrifying, and wrong in this life even, more so than you may know. To the unpraying and inactive soul the only end is never knowing them to begin with or their extent. To those who pray, hope is present to find a start to solve the situation.
Hope is prayer, action is the end of tragedy.
Knowledge is in between, and when this is impossible, prayer is the only solution, so that those who know may act, or that Jesus Christ himself, saints, and angels may solve and heal and redeem all things.
The depths of heavenly happenings and goodness are actually without limit to the human mind that assumes that everything will not work out in the end or that there is a limit to heavenly happenings, actually most beautiful, and right in this life even, more so than you may know, and the only end is heaven which is without such end, eternal life.
Love,Armen Leo Artashesian